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Near-virtual initiative

From: Near-virtual initiative <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 3:04 PM

To: (All AU staff email)

Subject: Update on near-virtual strategy initiative

Near-Virtual Initiative


Hello (AU Staff first name),


AU has been working on a virtual-first organizational model for some time. This began in May 2020, when AU’s Board of Governors approved a motion to support a permanent transition to a near-virtual organizational structure before the end of 2021. The design and implementation of an optimal near-virtual strategy helps AU to serve its learners more effectively as outlined in Imagine, as well as align with AU’s I-CARE values. AU’s near-virtual strategy was shared in Neil’s Notes in June 2020, and since then work has been underway to operationalize this strategy.


A Near-Virtual Working Group (NVWG) was formed in November 2020 with representatives from across AU, and we are excited to share an update on the work undertaken so far. The NVWG is focusing attention on identifying gaps and critical success factors during the current phase of AU’s near-virtual work environment. This includes the creation of workstreams and sub-groups to focus on the design, development, and implementation of the elements—policy, processes, functions, systems—that are crucial for a virtual workplace environment.


The NVWG is also identifying current levels of physical dependency for AU’s operations and is working with stakeholders to identify operational processes and technological options to address dependencies to operate virtually wherever possible.


The near-virtual initiative is centered around three phases:


Phase 1: COVID-19 response – (March–December 2020). Phase 1 was focused on AU’s COVID-19 response and making a quick transition to operating virtually with minimal disruption while also supporting the ongoing health and safety of our team members and learners. As a part of AU’s continued pandemic response, the NVWG, in coordination with the COVID-19 Planning Committee are utilizing key learnings from this ongoing work.


Phase 2: Virtual first operations – (January–December 2021) Although AU is still responding to COVID-19, we have moved into Phase 2 of the near-virtual implementation which is focused on a purposeful and supported virtual first strategy. Roles and functions that are currently virtual as part of Phase 1 will not return to place-based unless it is determined that the core of the role requires a physical attachment to an AU location. A significant part of the initiative is focused on reviewing current policies, programs, and processes, and modifying them to align with AU’s near-virtual strategy.


Phase 3: Beyond virtual – (January 2022–onward). In Phase 3 we will take a future-oriented strategic focus, envisioning what is possible by Moving Beyond Virtual. Simply put, not merely what AU team members need to work virtually today, but how AU can maximize what is possible tomorrow; enhancing the services we provide to learners by being a virtual organization and delivering services in the same manner that our learners learn. The Beyond Virtual approach aligns with AU’s Imagine strategic themes of Moving Beyond Place, Moving Beyond the Now, and Moving Beyond the Norm.


As part of the near-virtual strategy next steps, the NVWG will engage with stakeholders across AU to:


·       review and evaluate current state processes;

·       determine criteria for being place-based;

·       map what a purposeful near-virtual AU could look like;

·       identify key learnings from working remotely due to the pandemic to ensure a more purposeful permanent transition to near-virtual; and

·       identify the critical items that need attention to build upon Phase 1.


Throughout the process, the NVWG will engage the AU community to obtain input, feedback, and provide status updates. To learn more about the initiative, stay informed, and be connected you can:


·       Visit the near-virtual organization SharePoint site.

·       Send an email to the near-virtual co-chairs:


We look forward to connecting with you.


Stay well. Stay safe.


David Head, Pauline Smeltz, William Agbakoba Co-Chairs, Near-Virtual Working Group

Visit the near-virtual Sharepoint site


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